Hehehe.. I've watched Chronicles of Narnia.. It's pretty cool. I think I like the show. Well, i think several people don't quite enjoy the show.. I think it's pretty good. It really takes imagination and I think my sis and I really like imaginative stuffs. Haha.. some of them might even think it's kiddish.. to me.. I think it's pretty nice. Hahaha.. my sis thought dat it was awesome!! Woohoo! She's like 'this is such a niiiiiiicccceeeeeee shooooowww...' Hahaha..
Anyway, we went to Midvalley for dat show and while waiting for the show to begin, the time we had in our hands were dedicated to shopping in the mall and checking out the christmas decorations they have in Midvalley.. I have some photos to share okay..in fact many photos to share on how christmas deco in Midvalley is like.. Hehe.. I think S'pore has grand-er Chiristmas deco than they have it here.. ehehe.. so don't laugh okies? Hehehe.. just kiddin'! Here it is..
We were at the top floor of Midvalley after collecting the movie tickets.. and on the way we saw this.. and we started taking photos.. haha..
Chiamein and Me!

Leemay and Me!

After taking a couple of photos.. we headed downstairs to find the rest of the gang? Hahaha.. no no.. I think Chiamein wanted to go MPH to grab a copy of mag. Haha.. Then I took this..
From the 1st floor!

After landing ourselves on the Ground floor.. there were many soft toys around for sale! Woohoo.. they are sooo cute... hehehe.. you'll agree with me when you see the photos I'm about to show you.. Hehehe.. Wish you could carry them all home yeah? Hahaha... just kiddin'!
The showmen.. with the DO NOT TOUCH sign.. Haha.. I didn't touch it.. just a photo shoot of it!

Some white plant they usually have during Christmas?

The collection of cuties!! =D

Beary Bears!! =D

Me with a BIG BIG Bearrrrrrrrr! =P

Chiamein with the BIG BIG Bearrrrr too! =P

Chiamein with a soft toy!

Okay enough of soft toys.. then we went round taking the decos.. Hehe.. Firstly i took many shots of the trees... =D

The igloo house lookalike in between the treeeeees!

Okay the following photos contain us! Hahaha.. hazardous.
Leemay and Me! (with a creep behind, I think) ---> Abit perasan hor.. didnt ask him to come take photos with us also.. Muahahahah...

Chiamein and Me!

Enough of the scenes here..haha.. so we've decided to walk to another section of Midvalley which has also got the decorations! More lights and everything..
View from the top!

Overall view!

Us.. with the decos!
Leemay and Me!

Chiamein and Leemay!

Leemay alone!

Some 'kallangchang' ornaments on the trees we managed to find and observe! Muahaha.. =D
The apple (which I seriously thought it looked like green pepper! =D)

Many types of 'balls'!!!!! Muahahahaha...
Small and big ones!

Shiny ones.. =D

An angel's wings!

On the way to Topshop.. I've taken this.. Hahaha.. I think Leemay is in it! (spot her if you can!)

HEeheh..after this.. didn't take photos liao..busy trying clothes and doing some shopping and tada..it's time for the movie!! After the movie.. we've decided to eat dinner @ Sushi King! Hahaha.. After dat..still didnt go enough yet..plus all the shops are closed already.. and we were practically the last customers to leave Sushi King! Hahaha.. Then they go Carrefour in Midvalley pulak.. then we took some photos again..while they were in there.. we were barred from going in..simply because it's too late already!! Everyone wants to go home and we still wanted to shop.. haha.. pathetic eh? Hahah.. Since we've got nothing to do.. we took some photos again..
Me! Pulling Santa 'Gong gong's' beard...hehehe.. no wonder his beard is soooo long.. (okay, dat was cold! =D)

Chiamein wid Santa!

Leemay molesting Santa! (yiiieeerr.. so hamsup!!)

Then we took some pics with the lighted deer as well!
Leemay and Me!!

Chiamein and Leemay!

Finally we've decided to go home! Because now all the shops are dark and closed. Hahaha..
Managed to take a glimpse of Big Bears, bears and snowmen outside Memory Lane!

Okay.. Yinting was complaining her pic was not taken at all! hahaha.. Aaaaaaaaawwww...
Here's a pic of her! Enjoying being taken, doesn't she? Hahahaha.. So SUPERSTAR!! Muahahahaha.. =D

Alright I think dat's about it.. I think it's quite a long post already.. I should stop! Or else it's the longest post ever.. Hahaha.. Enjoy!! =D And Have a Merry Christmas!
Tatty Teddy posted at 14.12.05 |
Thursday, December 08, 2005
The simple things in life.
Sometimes we forget the simple things in life that can make us happy. Hahaha.. Like having electricity supply, water supply, food to eat, ice cream to indulge and good company. I remembered having to suffer cut of water supply just makes me go crazy! I can't bathe, I can't clean myself properly, I can't even go to the washroom to do my business because there's just no water for the flush to work.. and worst still.. no tangki..so no water to drink because there are no extra water supply to do some simple washings of hands and face. The nightmare was.. I like to go against the will or something.. cos during the period of no water supply, I like to go to the toilet! Hahahha... Having no electricity is not as bad as not having water supply. At least during the night.. you get to play with candles and torchlight... Hahaha...you get to play and tell ghost stories? Muahahahha.. minus the heat of course! =P
Anyway, I can't wait to go shopping. Hahaha.. Although I've walked around some malls.. but still I don't get to see the stuffs that I wanna buy. Either it's not nice or it's too expensive. Darn.. whatever dat is nice which I like very much.. it always cost a bomb..which is beyond my means. Hmm.. so can't wait to set foot on my second home and start walking around scouting for nice and unique things which I have in mind.. Hehehe.. I heard there are sales going on.. Oh well, hopefully I get something out of it.. something nice.. Oh.. by the way, I think it's time too to get ready and prepare for the trip to Scotland. Have to start buying the winter clothings ade.. I think I've said dat a million times before.. Hehe..but I'm gonna say it again.. :P
Ohh.. I forgot to blog about me watching Harry Porter for the first time.. Yea yea.. laugh all you want.. this is my first Harry Porter show.. but I ain't very proud of it. Cos.. it didn't turn out as nice as I thought to be. Hahaha..but nevertheless, perhaps that's because I didn't even read a single book on it. Hmm.. perhaps it's the influence of my church. We were not encourage to indulge ourselves in the knowledge witchcraft and sorcery.. which is a cult thing to do.. we should indulge in something that will enhance our relationship with God. Hahaha.. I'm not trying to be preachy here.. but that's what our elder said.. Only fill our minds with the good things of God and not let other influences influence our walk with God. Hmm.. but on the bright side.. It's still good to know dat such things exist. Well, some people say the spells in there is not true, but I don't think so.. simple because there are many articles and writings that say that it is true.. It has a strong hold on anyone who reads the book, ie. you will get addicted to the books series after series.. this actually happened to one of my church buddies who read it. Haha.. and she shared with us. She said it's pretty hard for her to stop reading it..although she has finished reading the book.. she still wanted to read it. Whoa.. And I heard la.. I heard..that JK Rowling was a witch herself before this.. some articles la in some magazines. She was a former member of a witchcraft and sorcery society... I know this is controversial... but whatever.. I'm just gonna type it here.. because these are what I've heard. =P
Ouuuuu btw.. gonna watch Chronicles of Narnia soon.. Well, hopefully it'll turn out good.. =D
Tatty Teddy posted at 8.12.05 |
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
It's been a long long break since I've wrote about my thoughts. I think it's time to get the thinking cap on again. I was just pondering over some stuffs.. Everyone in this life will have to go through a phase of life that is undesirable. Not everytime things and situations will go the way you want it to go. Things would not really able to turn out the way you want it to be. Sometimes when things happen to you.. you tend to think, ALOT. Well, dat's what happened to me too. I think ALOT. But I never thought dat people's intentions are negative or they are doing this because they don't like me or something like dat. We are all human beings.. so no one's perfect in this life. No one will ever have a perfect life in this life. When we indulge in such thinking, we tend to misunderstand people's intentions and motives. Sometimes the intentions and motives turn out to be negative. You thought people delibrately do this to you, but the fact is.. perhaps you've really misunderstood. Uncontrollable situations does happen and is out of the control of our hands.
Sometimes when we meet new people, we put on a shield on the outer layer. You wouldn't want the new friend to think dat you're weird or know the ugly side of you. Dat's why you don't let out what you really are inside. But once you start to know the person deeper inside, after you thought the person has accepted you for who you are.. you will come out of your outer layer and let the other party pry into ur personality and let them know the real you. Sometimes upon meeting new people, you already think dat you and the other new friend do not have the chemistry. You know what I mean? Not because you don't like the person. It's because you just do not have the chemistry between the both of you. Perhaps the new friend and you have a clashing interest or a clashing personality. Some things just work and some things don't. This is the theory of life. That's why there are so many people on this earth who has different personality and character. If you don't have the chemistry between both parties, then it's just not there. For example, you can't go liking every guy you see on the road or you can't be liking every person you meet as friends. It's because some values doesnt click with yours. You meet the person, then you get to know the person more.. then you proceed to the next level. All these takes chemistry. If there is nothing to talk about, I'm afraid things just don't work out. Btw, when you're with a person, you don't always have to talk. Sometimes silence is GOOD. I dont really understand why most people tend to perceive that silence is an awkward thing. If you're really confortable with the person.. silence is OKAY.
Upon proceeding to the next level of a relationship, be it with ur family, friends or your partner.. it really goes in a cycle.. so back to upon proceeding, your conversations tend to change too. When you first met, you talk about general stuffs.. like sharing an interest in football, fashion, music, entertainment gossips, etc.. When you go to the next level, you talk about yourself.. your family..You share things about yourself and about your family and your background... You talk about interesting stuffs that happened to yourself. You talk about interesting dat happened to your family. You talk about future plans.. You talk about stuffs that you wanna share. Sharing plays a very very important role in a relationship. Imagine my mum wouldn't wanna share her experiences with me.. would there be a bondage between me and her? I hardly think so. The essence of a relationship is communication and sharing. And yes, you may shut up once in a while and just listen to your heart. It's true that girls always talk alot... but mind you, they talk about themselves.. what happened and everything among their family and their old friends.. You wanna share a part of you with the other party.. Basically experiences.. Dat's how conversations come around. Besides that, they talk about fashion, movies, music and common interests you once shared in your first level of relationship... not about other people. I must admit, I'm no communication expert.. I'm no conversationalist expert.. I'm not really a sociable person.. but I'm okay to get along with.. I can be sociable when I want to... It really depends on who I hang out with. Dat's basically the chemistry theory again...
Think about it.
Tatty Teddy posted at 6.12.05 |