Sorry peeps for my long absence. Hahhaa. But I guess no one missed me anyway. Heh, anyways, I just got back from my trip. Well, not quite recently.. prolly about 2 nearly a week ago that I'm back in Glasgow now. Had a graduation ceremony here but sad to say my parents weren't here to attend. Seeing others' parents coming all the way here. LOL. I'm just kiddin'. Nevertheless, there's still another graduation ceremony back in Malaysia..
The trip was good.. but also tiring. And also it was hot. Unlike Glasgow, cool and windy but not forgetting the fact that it always rain every once in two days. How annoying. I like cooling weather.. but this weather can't be helped in the land of drizzles and grizzles. :\ This trip has open my eyes to some cultures. Alright, prolly not my eyes only.. but the travelmates as well. Backpacking is never easy. You get to meet all sorts of people and you will suddenly realise.. there are soooooo many different types of people in this world. Out of the ordinary. It just teaches you to put up with whatever differences we have, when all the weird people unite..... in a small hole. Especially in, Italy. LOL.. I'm crapping right now. :\
Anyways, besides all the weird people we've met.. of course there are some normal people out there. LOL. Mainly found in Switzerland and Germany. The people are really really nice.. especially in Swiss. They are just so friendly as they would go all out to help a stranger. Touching, ain't it? Sigh.. people, people. If the world was to be filled with the same kind of people.. this world would be a very boring place, ain't it? Hahahaha. Sorry, I havent been writing for too long.. I digressed.
Back to the topic of my graduation. Here are some few pics to let you guys see wad was happening. Well, almost. Let you guys taste a little happiness and excitement. Mebbe not. Hahahaha. My biological parents were not here... but my Glasgow family members from TCC were there to celebrate with me. Sorry no photos.. 'cos I've yet to obtain the photos from their cameras yet. Prolly next time. Hehehehehehe. Now.. for the photos:
The class photo taken.. courtesy of Acrix.
Dat's me.. stealing some slight glamour from Prof Pook. The mortarboard. :\
Previous housemates from Year 1 to Year 4. Housemates forever eh? Hehe.
The usual gang.. fused with great company. :D
I shall just use Kelvin for a lil' while to promote Scottish style graduation. :D The guys are dressed in a more.. *ahem* special way. *jealous* LOL. But it's nice nevertheless. Thanks Kelvin for being my model. Muahahaha.Alrighty, folks. That's all for now. Lazy to upload more pics lah. If you rajin.. just check out my yahoo photos page constantly if you love to see more.. but i've not uploaded them yet. Hhahaa.. Lazy lah. Tata..
Tatty Teddy posted at 29.6.07 |